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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Amazing “Ancient Golden Plane” Proves that Ancient Alien High Technology Existed


As early as ancient times, humans have been flying freely in the sky! This is an astonishing hypothesis, and if it can be proved, many of the mysteries of human civilization can be solved.

In the Columbian Gold Museum, there is a long-time gold-made shuttle-like object. Many experts who have studied in-depth aviation mechanics have said, “In theory, this is undoubtedly a flying object”. The gold fusiform object, they insisted, was a cross between a spaceship and a flying object, and was most likely an ancient version of a spaceship! So, in ancient times, have humans developed space vehicles to fly in the sky? This is true in terms of myths and legends. In ancient times, human beings had the fantasy and description of flying in the sky. From the “Heavenly Ship (天の磐船)” in Japanese mythology, the “Flying Ship” in Ancient India, and the “Sun Ship” in Ancient Egypt. It can be almost said that there are as many similar myths as there are races in the world. After all, these are just myths and legends that have no evidence. However, the golden shuttle displayed in the Gold Museum affiliated with the National Bank of Bogotá, Colombia’s capital, seems to confirm the myths and legends of flying in the sky, not just the ancient imagination. As a matter of fact, even if they missed boarding, they did at least see the aircraft descending from the sky.

It is an exquisite handicraft made of gold, which is generally called “golden jet” or “golden plane”. Photography is forbidden in the Gold Museum, and there are more than 25,000 gold crafts on display. One by one, the gold crafts are shining in faint lighting, which is breathtaking. In order to earn foreign exchange, the Colombian government often sends some gold crafts to traveling exhibitions around the world. The first to notice that the “Golden Shuttle” is a product of super civilization, is the late American zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson. He was famous for studying singular phenomena during his lifetime, and also coined the term OOPTH (out-of-place things). Later, researchers who continued this new concept further developed OOPARTS (out-of -place artifacts).

The archaeological community in Colombia agrees that this kind of gold crafts is the product of the flourishing Sinu culture at the northernmost part of Colombia’s border from 500 to 800 AD. The size varies from small to large, but the average length is about 6 cm, the width is about 5 cm, and the height is about 1.5 cm. The general view is that is a handicraft made on the chest as a decoration, imitating “animal images”. However, Ivan t. Sanderson looked at it as a zoologist and decided that one of the gold artifacts was not physically similar to any animal species known to zoology. There are quite a few “animal images” made of the same gold, and they all have corresponding imitation objects, such as frogs, dogs, birds, jaguars… and so on. However, only this “golden plane” is not consistent with any kind of insects, fish, birds and beasts. Barely, Sanderson thinks it looks a bit similar to prehistoric winged reptiles. The origin of modern aviation machines was originally to imitate the type of birds, and birds evolved from winged reptiles, of course, there will be some similarities between the two.

The reason why Sanderson believes that the “golden plane” is not a simulated animal or even an ancient alien high-tech, the key is the shape of its head and tail. What Sanderson saw were plastic replicas exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in the 1960s. At the time, these batches of plastic replicas were being displayed in public tours of museums and art galleries across the United States. Of course, many of the objects on display in the gold museum have more delicate decorations. However, the basic elements of a “golden airplane” are common to modern airplanes: the nose, cockpit, main wing, fuselage, vertical tail, and horizontal tail of an aircraft are all available. Among them, there are windshields, engine air inlets, auxiliary wings, elevators, etc … The most obvious difference is the location of lights such as navigation lights and landing lights. Because they are located on the left and right sides of the upper part of the nose, it looks like eyes of animals.

So what are the opinions of experts in aeronautical mechanics? The experts commissioned by Sanderson to conduct the analysis unanimously acknowledge that, theoretically, this “golden ornament” has “characteristics of flying objects”. For example, Dr. Arthur Poyslee of the New York Institute of Aeronautics, and Arthur Younger, who is famous for designing Bell helicopters, have the same view: “The straight triangular wings of the leading edge are not like the wings of animals at all. Vertically standing The rear wing is also unique to the aircraft. However, as the initial impression, if it is a jet, the position of the engine is not in the forward of the cockpit, nor is it installed in the rear fuselage; this shape of the body, will not be able to achieve balance. ” One of the world’s first rocket pilot in-depth analysis as follows: “in the shape of the delta wing and fuselage tip is more and more fine, if the premises were cockpit with transparent glass, the object of propulsion device obviously is not a low speed of the propeller, but jet, rocket type, and even beyond the former form of unknown engine. Look at the shape of the supersonic Concorde, then know that, if this is the type of delta wing aircraft, on land, rise abruptly, the high-speed flight, from landing…. etc., can play a highly performance.”

Adolph Heuer is an aviation technician who is also involved in the design of the future car. He has a wonderful speculation about the characteristics of the “Golden Shuttle” wing studied by Sanderson: “Look carefully at the body from the front, and the two ends of the left and right delta wings, there is a slight descent, but this is contrary to the direction of all supersonic aircraft on the planet. Interestingly, the “water-air dual-use aircraft”, which has not yet been put into practical use, theoretically, the wings with lower ends are reasonable. If so, the object might be an aircraft capable of diving.” In fact, in 1966 and 1970, the United States conducted experiments on “underwater aircraft” in the civilian and naval military respectively, with the wings of bilateral designs tilted downward. Since ancient times, humans have been free to fly in the sky? This is an astonishing hypothesis, and if more evidence is available to prove it one day, then many of the puzzles between human civilization and alien technology can be solved.


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