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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Babies by Christmas! Ft. Stewart couple gives birth to quadruplets days before holiday


A couple is walking away with four precious Christmas gifts this year. Both a surprise and shock when they first found out the news.

December 15th, was a special day for Mariah and Jose Marquez. Not only did Mariah Marquez give birth to one child, she gave birth to four, quadruplets!

“We kind of went from, ‘oh it’s twins,’ to ‘oh, no it’s triplets,’ to finally, ‘you’re having quadruplets!’ And we were shocked,” the new parents said.

From a young age, Mariah Marquez knew that getting pregnant would be difficult for her.

“I found out pretty young that I had some fertility issues, just lots of irregularity, never knew what was going on,” she said

Years ago, however, Mariah Marquez and her husband Jose Marquez experienced a miracle when they gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

Sadly, for four years after giving birth to their first daughter, the Marquez’ struggled to get pregnant once again.

Eventually, they decided to start fertility treatments. Marquez became pregnant soon after.

The couple told WJCL they found out at the end of their first trimester that they were pregnant with not one, not two, not three… but four babies. Memorial Health doctors said these pregnancies are rare.

However, all four babies were born prematurely and are currently in the NICU. Mariah said it’s tough knowing they all will be separated for the Christmas holiday.

“We started trying after her, we tried for about four years and nothing really worked. We got up the courage and we saw a fertility doctor, and found out I had a slew of fertility issues and our chances looked really slim, just from the start,” said Mariah.

Originally from San Diego, California, Mariah and Jose drove from Texas to the Savannah area after their military move to Fort Stewart.

Dad, Jose Marquez, is a wheel vehicle mechanic with the 5-7 Calvary, Delta FSC.

“It’s been exciting and pretty scary to say the least. The main thing on delivery day was making sure the babies were all okay, that they were all great, but at the same time, it was one of the things, once I knew the staff here had everybody set and everybody was doing great, I immediately just wanted to get back to my wife, because I can’t find another wife. She’s it for me,” said Jose.

Three boys and one girl. Jameson, Andrew, Joseph and baby girl Delilah.

All four babies are still in the NICU but doctors say they all have made progress. All three boys were healthy. The girl, Delilah, did have to get surgery, but doctors said everything went well and she is now recovering in the NICU alongside her brothers.

As for the mom, she is healthy and well.

While Jose and Mariah Marquez are a little exhausted and are coming to terms with the fact that there will never be enough diapers in the world, they’re ready to welcome their babies home.

While parents Mariah and Jose might not spend the Christmas holiday together as one family, they’re walking away with four new Christmas gifts.

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