The Most Incredible Sensation on Earth


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Thursday, June 30, 2016

“I am your dad,” the letter read. 20 years later, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

How did you spend your Father’s Day this year? Two years ago, on December 20th, 2014, Twitter user Misa(@misaru48)from Japan received a letter from her father on the morning she turned 20. It was a letter that he'd written 20 years ago, the day after Misa was born. She discovered a few things after reading the 4-page letter:

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 Her tweet reads: "This is a letter written by my dad on the day after I was born. I read it and regretted a lot of things. There are times that I've given my parents a hard time. But they've never given up on me and always give me lots of love. It’s my turn to make my dad and mom happy! This letter made me cry and the day has only just begun!"
"Dear 20-year-old Misa,
It’s Sunday, December 18th, 1994. I am your dad. I will be turning 31 in 2 days. When you read this, I'll already be 51. You were born on Saturday the 17th of December. I was so happy to hear you were a girl!! Takeshi, your brother, and Misa, my girl - this makes me so happy!! I’ve already chosen a name for you, “Misa.” I told your mom and she likes it, too.
The character “sa” means: small sandy beach polished by the waves over time. “Mi” is: beauty of the setting sun over the beach.
I imagine you've become beautiful over these past years. December 17th, 2014 will come very quickly and you'll have turned 20 years old today. I can’t really imagine you all grown up, but I’m already looking forward to seeing you then.
Your mom and Takeshi are with you in Hiroshima right now at your grandma’s house, so I am home alone. I’ve been traveling a lot for work, but I will be there to see you very soon.
Since Takeshi is a calm, nice boy, I want you to be the wild one. You are our daughter, so you will probably be a friendly and caring child. I wonder if you’ll be studying at university when you're reading this.
I’m sure you have become the wonderful woman that I imagine you will be: caring and friendly. Your mom and I will live our lives over the next years for you and Takeshi alone. We are most happy to do so.
You were born to be with us, so I will never leave your side. I will be with you always. You won't be alone on weekends. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I will give anything for you and Takeshi. And you will be what I will live for. I will work hard to support my family and make you happy.
Mom will be going back to work soon, so you will be going to a nursery school. I will be there as well. I will visit all the festivals and events at your schools as you grow up. I will take lots of photos and organize them, so that I have something to look back on when I'm old and gray. Who knows, I may even have a grandchild by then.
I want to see you, Misa. I want to see Takeshi and your mom as well. I want to tell her that she did a good job and thank her for you both. I want to hold you and Takeshi in my arms.
I have a favor to ask you Misa. If by any chance our family is not doing well, be angry at me, and remind me that I promised to bring happiness to the family. If our family is a happy family, please say “thank you” to your mom.
Finally, my Misa, congratulations on becoming an adult. I have loved you since you were inside your mom’s belly. I’m sure that I will also love the 20-year-old Misa. Let us remain friends, even when you grow older.
My dear baby Misa, I look forward to a life shared with you."
 What a touching letter. I'm not surprised that Misa wrote she was in tears after reading these words. It's not very often that a father and daughter have such a relationship.

Sometimes we take our families for granted, maybe because we are so close to them. When is the last time you spoke openly about your feelings to your parents and your family? If you are too shy to talk to them face-to-face, it might be a good idea to write them a letter. Let them know how much you love them and appreciate them in your life.

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