The Most Incredible Sensation on Earth


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Monday, January 2, 2023

Mother-in-law invites 80 extra guests to her son's wedding without first asking for permission: the bride cancels the wedding

 Getting along with one's mother-in-law is a luxury few enjoy, let's face it. Whether it's a son-in-law or a daughter-in-law, it's never easy to deal with one's in-laws in general. One often hears of mothers-in-law criticizing their daughters-in-law or of those who do not like their daughters' husbands - albeit very rare for the reverse to be the case.

The woman we want to tell you about knows something about this type of toxic relationship. She is a young woman and bride-to-be who never got along with her mother-in-law, and got furious with her during the planning of her wedding. Here is her story:

In a long post that appeared on Reddit, the subject of the story - we'll call her Kate (not her real name) - said that she and her husband, both 26 years old, had decided to get married. After 4 years dating, they felt that the time was right - it was a pity then, that Kate's mother-in-law wanted to get involved in the planning.

"I never got along with my mother-in-law. She is a bossy and manipulative woman and my husband agrees with me. His comes from a wealthy family, while I am working class. For this reason, my mother-in-law always felt entitled to look down on me. When we were planning our wedding, we weren't thinking of having large ceremony. But then, my mother-in-law spoiled everything," Kate said.

Two months before the big day, according to Kate, her mother-in-law sent her a list of guests that she had not planned on. Without asking their permission and without considering the couple's wish for a ceremony limited to a maximum of 50 people, the mother-in-law insisted the extra guests be admitted (also because she had already booked plane tickets and accomodation for them). This sent Kate into a rage.

"She sent me 80 extra names that my partner and I hadn't included on our guest list, telling me that their invitations weren't optional. I was so angry that I couldn't help myself and decided to cancel the wedding. I called our guests and told them that the wedding, unfortunately, had been cancelled. Then, in agreement with my husband, we went to a public park and, together with our two best friends, we got married," Kate explained.

Apparently, the mother-in-law learned of the decision some time later and was furious. And this is why Kate decided to ask the web whether or not she had done the right thing. Almost unamimously, Kate's followers completely supported what she (and her husband) had decided to do.

What do you think?

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