The Most Incredible Sensation on Earth


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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Pregnant woman deliberately gives her mother-in-law the wrong name of her daughter: the woman publishes it on the internet


The birth of a child is an event that everyone waits for with bated breath. In the days leading up to the birth, a mother will be inundated with calls to find out about how she is doing and when the delivery will be. However, some choices, such as disclosing the baby's name or gender, are up to the parents. These choices must be respected by everyone, even by the future grandparents. A young woman wrote on Reddit about how she and her partner were about to have a baby girl, and about the difficult relationship she had between herself and her mother-in-law. The latter proved to be an extremely intrusive person - so much so that the couple had to distance themselves from her.

The 23-year-old explained that she and her partner were going to have a baby girl and that everyone was very excited about this event, especially her mother-in-law, who couldn't wait to post all kinds of updates regarding the birth of her granddaughter on her Facebook page. All this despite the fact that the mother-in-law does not actually like her daughter-in-law: "She is a very stubborn, nosy person and has not accepted me as part of the family yet. She always tells my partner that he could have done better and that I trapped him by getting pregnant with 'my' child. She hurt me a lot and my fiancé talked to her about it, but she hasn't apologized or anything yet, so I tend to ignore her. She one of those people who posts every little detail of their life on Facebook. For example, she posted about our engagement before we even announced it."

Given the strained relationship and the nosiness of this woman, the parents decided not to communicate the choice of name of the baby until after her birth. As you can imagine, the mother-in-law did not take this decision very well and she insisted on finding out. The young woman told her that she would tell her the name on condition she did not write anything about it on Facebook. The mother-in-law accepted this condition, but the couple anyway decided to give her another name. Five minutes later, this text appeared on the mother-in-law's Facebook page:

"I can't believe I'm going to be little Charlotte's grandmother next month. I'm so proud of him (the boyfriend's name) and his partner!"

The young man was furious with his mother, who had shown that she could not be trusted. However, when the man told her that the name "Charlotte" was not the real one, his mother was furious herself, taking it out on her daughter-in-law: "Who would ever give their mother-in-law the false name of their granddaughter? ".

In an update on the situation, the woman explained that she wanted to give her mother-in-law a second chance and she, along with her partner, spoke to her openly, trying to set boundaries, for the good of the whole family. Do you also agree with keeping some distance between family members? Write it to us in the comments!


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