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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Can You Solve This Tricky, Yet Simple Math Problem?


Are you a fan of math puzzles and equations? A simple math problem can sometimes stump even the math masters among us. How about we solve a puzzle together? This one recently went viral on Facebook and what makes this interesting is the way we can all relate to the process of figuring it out. There’s an element that we can all connect with instantly, no matter how proficient we are with math and arithmetic. So let’s test out your skills on this puzzle! Remember, these equations can be more difficult than they seem at first. Take your time if you need; stretch those mental muscles first before you begin. See how fast you can solve the equation and determine if your math skills are still as sharp as ever. The solution will follow below the puzzle, so don’t scroll down until you’re satisfied with your answer.

You’ve got this! Can you solve a simple math problem? It looks like this:


A simple math problem like this one can be harder than it looks. Even the formulas that we use on spreadsheets would usually come up with the wrong answer. The reason for this is that when you use a plus or minus sign on computers, these sums are prioritized first, and partial answers are given before the equation can be properly solved. In cases like this, when you are dealing with division, subtraction, multiplication, and addition all at once, there is a specific order to things that will help us get the answer. If you recall the BODMAS (or BEDMAS) acronym you learned at school, congratulations! You have probably solved this puzzle correctly already. If not, let’s refresh your memory. The acronym stands for Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. This means we solve the division and multiplication sums first. So try that out and see what you come up with.

Here’s the answer to the simple math problem:

50=7+(7÷7) + (7×7) -7

That’s right, 50 is the correct answer! So how did you get on? Where your math skills up to the challenge. For starters, equations like these can be difficult as your mind immediately starts thinking in a sequence from left to right. If you look at the brackets included in the solution, you can see how to prioritize the equation’s division and multiplication parts and solve them before you do the rest. It sounds confusing at first, so try writing the equation down. Add the brackets in, and then just write down the subtotals of each bracketed sum above them. This should help you get to the right answer quickly. Also, next time you see an equation like this simple math problem, you’ll know exactly what to do. Math is all about putting things in order, so keep that in mind when you’re solving puzzles.

You did great, so how about some more puzzles?

Try out this simple math problem from the 1950s and see if you can solve it. This equation has stumped millions on Facebook, but why don’t you give it a try? Or, see if you can find the hidden letter in this puzzle. Remember to share these puzzles with your friends and co-workers. Find out how you compare with a little competition. Are you still the puzzle-solving genius? Let us know in the comments below!

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