The Most Incredible Sensation on Earth


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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Kind man helps lost baby moose cross the road, reunite with mom


Lost baby moose

In Clam Gulch, Alaska, a brave man-made people happy by helping a baby elk (moose in North America) climb through a guard rail to his mother. Several people drove through the busy road when they found a mama moose and her little one attempting to cross the highway.

Lost baby moose

Unfortunately, the calf got separated and could not get over the guardrail. In addition, the mama moose was stressed because of her baby. According to Andrea Bock, who was sitting inside a car observing the situation, the mother and her calf were near Clam Gulch.

The mama moose was apparently trying to get her baby to go over the guard rail. However, it was a massive climb for the little calf. Traffic had stopped to allow the innocent animals the time they needed, but the calf still could not clear the guardrail.

Lost baby moose

Bock quietly sat in her car and watched the calf attempting to get to the end of the blocked area. Then, finally, she said, “The calf would get close to the end of the guard rail, but the mama moose would bring him back to the center, further away from the end.”

She further stated that “I think the mother kept bringing him back to the center because it was the section where there were no cars.” Another person traveling on the same highway, Joe Tate, was returning from his fishing trip. He was on his way home with some of his friends.

Lost baby moose

When the kind gentleman saw this, he decided to help the mother and the baby. Bock was surprised by what she saw. The man from the northbound lane went up to the calf and stood beside the little one until it was the right time.

The mama moose was already on the other side of the road, and the vehicles blocked her view. So, Tate quickly grabbed the exhausted calf, who gladly came into his arms and returned him to his mother.


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