The Most Incredible Sensation on Earth


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Saturday, April 30, 2022

A little girl approaches a highway all alone: a man saves her and reassures her with some gospel music


Have you ever met your guardian angel? That mysterious entity who, by pure chance, fate sends your way and who could help you out in a difficult moment of your life? If this has happened to you, then you are in luck. It is not always easy to meet one.

People seen holding out a hand to help someone without asking for anything in return are a real rarity in today's world. But they do exist - just like the man we're about to tell you about.

via: NBC News

The man is Bryant Collins, a Georgian mechanic who, on an ordinary day, turned into a guardian angel for a while. Bryant was in his car on Highway 72 when he noticed something unusual moving along the road.

If you are thinking that it was a stray pet, you are wrong. The mechanic saw a little girl, all alone walking along the side of the road. And we're not talking about a country lane here, but a busy, dangerous state highway.

When Bryant realized it was indeed a child, he slowed down and pulled over, checking first to not cause any dangerous obstruction for other drivers.

Bryant explained: "Initially I didn't think it could be a little girl. It seemed absurd that at that age she could be there all alone, in the middle of nowhere. Then I realized that it was really was a child, and I decided to stop. Luckily, at that moment, there weren't too many cars around, even though it is one of the busiest roads in the area, so I was able to pull over without too many problems. I got out of the car and first of all checked that the child was okay and that nothing had happened the infant. After a few moments, I proceeded to call the police. In that period of time, I tried in every way to reassure the child. She was very agitated and was crying, so I picked up the phone and put on a little of gospel music ... in a little while she calmed down," the mechanic continued.

Bryant and the child were soon joined by the police who, within two hours, managed to track down the child's parents. She had left her home shortly before, in a moment of parental inattention, and had unwittingly ventured out towards the highway.

The mechanic's gesture was not only important for the child, but also for himself. His past hadn't been the best and doing something nice for someone made him feel useful. "I felt good. I was doing something nice for a person in need and the feeling of well-being is indescribable," stated Bryant.

We can only imagine how important it was for him to live one day as a "hero", a guardian angel. We just have to thank him for his gesture and for reminding us that it is small actions like these that give us hope and confidence in a better world to come.

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