Most people around the world who wake up early in the morning are the first to walk into the kitchen and start their day with a cup of delicious tea or a glass of juice or a simple snack in the morning.
We all use the kitchen for various purposes from the moment that enters the morning to enter the night’s dark shine. Happy family conversations are also taking place in the kitchen. The bond between our four-legged friends and the kitchen is unique than the bond between us. The kitchen looks like a paradise, a gold mine, and an amusement park for our pets. The tasteful sweet aroma from there and the mouth-watering food scenes turn our innocent four-legged friend into a serial thief.
Just take into account your piece of muffin or biscuit or piece of cheese that used to be there till you seemed away for a moment?
We know very well who is committing these crimes. But when our beloved four-legged friend commits such crimes accidentally can catch them and then forgive them due to the melt of our heart.
But do they stop their habit? No. Never!
They do it again and again. Forever!
#1 Egg Thief

#2 Just Taking A Nap After Eating All The Strawberry Jam

#3 He Started Barking At The Door, When I Got Up To Look Outside He Ran Back A Stole A Slice Of My Pizza. No One At The Door

#4 Smart Cat

#5 I Guess We Will Never Know What Happened To The Catnip

#6 Just Want To Apologize To Any Of Our Neighbors Who Are Missing A Full Rack Of Ribs

Why do our beloved pets steal so much food?. Even when we treat them very well, they still steal food. Therefore we contacted Kate Monument to find out the above reason. Kate Mornement works as a qualified animal behaviorist and consultant based in Melbourne. And also, Kate runs the animal behavior consultancy “Pets Behaving Badly “.
Kate also said, “Some pets steal food more cunningly than other pets. Because their previous attempts to steal food have been very successful. So they are motivated “.
#7 When A Cat Runs To The Fridge Every Time It Opens, A Sign Is Necessary

#8 When Mom Turns Her Back And You Steal The Leftover Corn Muffins From Dinner

#9 My Girlfriend’s Cat Likes To Steal Bagel Bites, When You Catch Him He Pretends To Be Asleep. Meet Neji

#10 The Nefarious Mr. Sugar Paws Caught Red-Handed Trying To Steal Some Raw Cauliflower, Which Is Inexplicably One Of His Favorite Foods To Nom

Kate further said, ” As an example, imagine your furry companion successfully steals a roast chicken from your kitchen bench. So then your lovely pet is more likely to do it again in the near future.”
#11 My Cat Steals Potatoes And Walks Around Like A Boss

#12 Who Could Resist A Cinnamon Roll?

#13 My Dog Escaped. Showed Up At The Front Door With Unopened Nachos

#14 I Was Wondering Who Ate The Bread

The animal behaviorist further explained, “Your pet is well aware of the consequences of doing something. So if this innocent pet gets a good result, it will automatically be tempted to do it again “. Also said, “this behavior is known as ‘Counter surfing’ and is an opportunistic behavior”.
#15 Mr. Muffins Stealing A Muffin

#16 Sneak Thief Caught In The Act – That’s A Nose In The Hole

#17 How I Found My Kitten Trying To Steal Food From The Top Of The Fridge

#18 Bro My Lunch Has Been Stolen

It is reasonable for four-legged friends to do so because they do not have developed minds like humans. There is good news to give you anyway. That is, you can train your pet in good habits and can practice not stealing food. We should do it patiently and gradually.
#19 Doggo Steals A Pupperoni Pizza

#20 He Tried

#21 Busted, He Stood Silently

#22 Caught Yogi Red-Pawed Stealing From A Picnic Basket. Too Cute To Be Mad

Kate stated that we could carry this out by using regular good pets with high-value treats to stay on their mat while making ready or consuming food. “It’s necessary to keep away from leaving meals on countertops and tables in the backyard of coaching periods or when you can’t supervise your pet,” she added further. The pet behaviorist Kate Mornement concluded that your pet needs to be much less in all likelihood to steal food. So, be patient!
#23 The Identity Of The Flour Thief Remains A Mystery. Investigations Continue

#24 We Caught Our Cat (Cookie) Red Handed Trying To Steal Our Cheese

#25 I Caught Her Red Handed. This Stinker Managed To Get Her Paws On A Croissant And Then Promptly Stuck It In My House Shoe

#26 So My Friend’s Cat Decided To Steal Some Chicken

#27 He Stole My Pretzel

#28 Cat Stole My Lunch

#29 So My Cat Stole My Toaster Strudel Out Of The Toaster Today And My Mom Took A Picture Before Prying It Out Of His Mouth

#30 High After The Vet, Caught Stealing French Fries

Source: Boredpanda