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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Nobody comes to his birthday party: police officers surprise him (+ VIDEO)


Bullying is a terrible, widespread phenomenon all over the world. Seeking to remedy this is increasingly important, as the number of little ones being bullied is on the increase. Children experience this negative experience in school and it can be severely traumatized if they do not have a family beside them that protects and supports them, and this includes being supported by a strong community that will stand up for them. Thankfully, little Thomas Daniel is blessed to be surrounded by people who love him. When none of his classmates showed up for his birthday party, he was overwhelmed by the affection his community showed him. And in particular, one police officer took Thomas's story to heart.

One day, Thomas, a 9-year-old boy, was running late for school and, as if that weren't enough, he had just missed the bus that would take him to his destination. Policeman Austin Lynema, an officer from Grand Rapids, Michigan, witnessed the scene in which Thomas was trying to chase after the school bus. After asking Thomas's mother permission, the police officer offered to drive him to school. On the way, the two chatted and Lynema found out that the child was being bullied and he feared that nobody would show up to his birthday party that evening. But for sure, that evening, officer Lynema would go to the party of his new friend - Thomas could at least count on that!

Unfortunately, however, and much to the disappointment of the police officer, the child's fears came true on his birthday - nobody in Thomas's class actually showed up at his birthday party. No child should ever have to have such a negative experience and officer Lynema wanted to make things right by throwing the boy a surprise party the next day.

The next day, Lynema and other police officers showed up at Thomas's home, greeting him as he got off the school bus. A suprise party with a cake, some presents and a string quartet was waiting for the child! Even though no one had shown up the day before, Thomas was able to replace that traumatic experience with this touching display of affection. These police officers certainly did a great job!

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