Elephants are often taken from their families and forced to do hard labor in Asian countries. One such elephant was named Nam Phon. Nam Phon had been born in the wild in the 1950s. Taken from her family at a young age, she was used in the logging industry. To get elephants to work, they often go through a process known as “crush.”

The elephants are beaten and mistreated until they do what they are told. Their spirits are literally crushed. Once they are ‘crushed,’ the elephants are put to work – hard work.

Nam Phon worked for decades before being rescued and taken to Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) last spring.

Sadly, the more the 55-year-old elephant passed away last weekend.

She had forests to wander in and got the most out of it. One of her favorite things to do was ignore the commands of her carer mahout Aek.

The long, hard life she led caught up to her. She died peacefully. WFFT gave her a lovely, proper farewell.

They laid out her body and covered her with flowers. A plate of fruit was laid by her head.

Several local monks lead the funeral service.

Her you can see the WFFT team that gathered to say goodbye. Nam Phon had been born in the wild in the 1950s. Rest in Peace, Nam Phon.

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