The Most Incredible Sensation on Earth


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Monday, January 24, 2022

Pregnant mom can’t make it to hospital so 10-year-old bravely steps forward


Giving birth is one of the most crucial events in a woman’s life. That is why throughout her whole pregnancy, a woman is closely monitored and given full support to ensure that everything is perfect when the time comes to deliver her baby.

Ashly Moreau is one of those women – she was expecting her third child – a baby boy. However, an unexpected event took their family by surprise, putting both of her and her unborn child’s life in danger.

The pregnant woman from Sulphur, Louisiana, was using the bathroom one day when her water suddenly broke – well ahead of schedule as she was only 34 weeks along in her pregnancy.

The expectant mother immediately knew that something was wrong. Aside from the fact that it was a full month before she should have been giving birth, she was also bleeding. Worse, she was the only adult in the house at the time, as her fiancé had just left for work.

She explained the horrifying situation in an interview with KPLC TV.

“My water broke. I looked down and my son’s feet were hanging out.”, Ashly said.

When this happened, only her 10-year old son Jayden and 11-month old daughter were home.

Unsurprisingly, Ashly said that this was “the scariest thing I’d ever been through in my life.”

Jayden ran next door to her grandmother’s house. Unfortunately, she couldn’t come to their aid because she was still recovering from recent surgery, but she was able to call 911 while her grandson rushed back to their house.

When Jayden got back, Ashly was on the bathroom floor bleeding heavily and her baby still wasn’t breathing.

“When he [Jayden] got to the bathroom, he just took a deep breath and said, ‘OK, Mom, just tell me what I need to do.’ He didn’t look scared, he looked calm and brave and I said ‘OK, I’m going to tell you what to do and we need to get your brother out as fast as possible because he’s breached and he can’t breathe.’”, Ashly told reporters.

Ashly was experiencing a “breech birth”, which occurs when the baby’s head hasn’t moved towards the birth canal. When this happens, there is a risk that its shoulders can become wedged in between the pelvis, or that the umbilical cord can become pinched, thereby inhibiting the flow of oxygen and blood to the baby.

They had no choice, someone had to deliver the baby or else, he will suffocate.

His son Jayden willingly took the painstaking task, and he delivered his baby brother by pulling him gently via his legs. The baby still wasn’t breathing when he got out and Ashly was bleeding profusely – Jayden had to think fast.

He went to the kitchen and grabbed his little sister’s nasal aspirator. He was able to clear his baby brother’s nostrils with it and finally, the baby started to breathe.

Jayden said, “I wasn’t even thinking. I was amazed.”

All he thought about was saving the lives of his mom and baby brother. Fortunately, he acted fast and succeeded.

At this point, emergency services finally came and they brought Ashly and the newborn to the hospital. The pair quickly recovered and that is when Ashly’s fiancé, Kelsey Richard, arrived at the hospital.

According to the doctors, if not for Jayden’s actions, the situation could have ended much worse.

Ashly was all praises to her son, saying:

“I want him to know, I’m so proud of him. He is brave, he is strong, he’s my hero.”

Kelsey also felt nothing but admiration for his stepson:

“He saved their lives. He’s a hero.”

The baby boy was named Dax, and he was released from NICU a few days after.

As for Jayden, his heroic acts didn’t go unnoticed. The city mayor, Chris Duncan, acknowledged him during a special assembly held at his school. The boy also received a proclamation and a key to the city, along with a day named after him.

Indeed, it was a well-deserved recognition! Jayden’s quick-thinking and bravery saved the lives of both his sibling and his mother. Most importantly, he was able to remain calm throughout the whole event, which allowed him to think clearly and succeed in fulfilling the meticulous task of delivering his baby brother. Truly, his family is extremely lucky to have such a brave young soul – a true hero – in their home.

Kudos to you, Jayden!

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