Sleeping is so much better when you’re close to cute little puppies.
The Importance Of Sleep
Newborn babies sleep around 70% of the day. This is important for their growth, weight gain, and mental development.
No Need To Worry
Since the baby’s sleep routine is very different from adults’ sleep, many parents worry over whether their baby is sleeping well or not.
Monitoring Their Sleep
While it is helpful to keep a record of your child’s sleeping schedule, it’s also pretty handy to have someone looking after your child alongside you. A dog, for example.
Sleep-Loving Mammals
Like most human babies, puppies love sleeping too, so they’re a great match to become cuddle buddies during sleep time.
Enjoying Their Company
A litter of adorable puppies is caught on cam sleeping soundly with a baby.
Can’t Be Disturbed
Despite the camera nearby, the baby and the puppies are deep in their sleep. They are just too comfortable snoozing next to one another!
Comfy Sleep
Everyone’s got their fair share of the blanket so no one sleeps feeling cold.
Bonding Through Sleeping
While others enjoy going on adventures as a form of building relationships, some people (and animals) just love lying and sleeping next to the ones they love. Can’t that can be a form of bonding too?